
What to expect when starting a diet?

Fat loss is simple. You need to eat less than your body needs and you will lose weight. While it might sound simple in theory, in reality, it’s pretty hard for many people. Most times people have no idea what it really takes for fat loss to happen. The most common problem I see when working with clients is a lack of knowledge about food. People have a very low awareness of how many calories are in certain foods not to mention the macro composition (protein, carbs, fat) of those foods. Combine that with having no idea of what to expect during the few months that it will inevitably take to lose weight and you have a perfect recipe for failure.


In this post, I want to cover what can you expect in the first few weeks of dieting, in the middle of it and at the end of your diet.


The first few weeks are where you will see the most changes in both body weight and body measurements. This will be mostly due to changes in your calorie intake, most times the reduction in calories comes from carbs. I wish I could tell you that these changes are a fat loss. Unfortunately, most of the big changes you will see will be due to:

💧 Changes in water weight. When you reduce carbs you will reduce the amount of glycogen, which will reduce the amount of water in your body. Every 1g of glycogen holds about 3-4g of water.

đŸĨ™ Changes in gut content. Simply said you will eat less food so there will be less food in your stomach and that will lead to a “flatter” stomach and big changes in measurements.

🤤 Changes in hunger and fullness – anytime you are making changes to your nutrition there will be changes in hunger and fullness. That being said if your diet consisted of high-calorie density, low-volume foods you will experience higher than usual hunger levels. That can be fixed by adjusting your food choices to more low-calorie, high-volume foods. If your diet consisted of whole unprocessed foods (low calorie, high volume) then you should not be experiencing major hunger or drops in energy for the first few weeks.


Most times people have no problems adhering to the plan first few weeks. You are not feeling that hungry, you have good energy day to day, your gym performance is good and you are still making progress week to week. Unfortunately, this comes to an end after the first few weeks.

📉 Your weight loss will slow down. Most of that weight loss will come from fat now. There will not be big drops in measurements. You might see a 1″ drop for every few pounds lost.

đŸĒĢ You will notice changes in day-to-day energy and will want to be less active overall. You will have some level of hunger most of the time but it won’t be severe. You might notice being pickier about your food, looking for things that tasted better or fill you up longer.

😒 This will be a point that you will feel like your look worse feeling small and soft. This midway point is also where most people lose focus and are not organized and prepared for the next stage. You might be able to “wing it” in the first few weeks but the middle point of the diet is where the results are made.

Lack of organization & preparation of both your environment and your day-to-day.

Your environment can work for you or against you and can definitely make or break your diet. When hunger is elevated and energy is low, our willpower suffers and we tend to do the things that are the easiest and most convenient. Making sure that in that time your environment is supporting you will make the middle part of your cut way easier. Two simple things that you can do is to buy more of the foods that will help you reach your goals and fewer foods that will possibly sabotage you when you are at your weakest. Make foods that you want to be eating more accessible and foods that you don’t want to eat harder to get.

The same applies to your day-to-day organization. You might be able to just go through the day with no real plan but when the mid-diet hits you will want to have a bit more structure to your day-to-day. Make sure you have blocked times for both cooking and training so you are not caught with no easily accessible food that will help you reach your goals. Remember when willpower is low due to diet fatigue the easier options will be the best. What sounds easier? Washing, chopping prepping cooking food or picking up the phone and ordering UberEats? Gym time might be your favourite but that might change when feeling low on energy and hungry. Have gym clothes ready to go a day before, and hit the gym early morning before work when energy and motivation are high. An alternative option is after work before you get home and get comfortable.


How many times have you been just sitting around feeling lazy? Because of the effects of the diet, you might find yourself being lazier than usual. It is very easy to start looking for food when we have nothing to do. Before you know it you are in the kitchen and opening cupboards and eating, blowing up your diet in the progress. Staying occupied and active is the key to keeping your mind off hunger and food.

Severe hunger.

Some people will experience more hunger than others. If you are in the very hungry camp I suggest implementing a diet break where you raise your calories to maintenance or slightly above for 7-14days and then return back to the calorie deficit.


There is no way around it… You will be hungry and cranky but the good thing is you are almost there.

😡 When you are entering the area where ab definition is starting to set in you will probably be food-focused, hungry and your patience will run low.

🏋đŸģ‍♀ī¸ You will feel small and training progression will stop you might even experience regression for a short period of time. Unfortunately, there is nothing that can be done regarding that.

🍆 You will experience lower libido, dieting down to a low body fat percentage is essentially starvation and our bodies don’t like that. Their only job is to keep us alive. When calories are low and there are not a lot of energy reserves in form of stored fat body will start to down-regulate non-essential functions like reproduction.

This might sound scary, but don’t worry your libido will ramp back up once you achieve the level of leanness you set out to and return calories back to maintenance.

Like I said in the beginning fat loss is simple but it’s not easy. You now know what can you expect in each phase of your diet. By knowing what to expect you can prepare in advance and increase your chances of success.

Thank you for reading!



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